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About the Willmar Area Women's Fund:

Willmar Area Women's Fund in the News
Community Spotlight on Lakeland Broadcasting stations
The Women's Fund at Work:
Minnesota ranks second in the nation on the FBI's list of child solicitation.
We are also the 13th largest center of human trafficking.
In Kandiyohi County in 2017 alone, 28 people reported trading sex just to survive.
Willmar and its surrounding communities have at least six advertised escort companies.
Sex trafficking is not only in Minnesota, it's right here in our rural communities.
Get Involved. Donate. End it!
The Willmar Area Women’s Fund helps fund and fuel the work of our partner organizations Safe Avenues, Lutheran Social Services and the Kandiyohi County Human Trafficking Task Force. These organizations work to stop trafficking, assist victims and prevent the occurrence of trafficking locally. The goal of the Women’s Fund is to raise funds, broaden awareness and fuel the direct work of our partner organizations so they can continue to make an even bigger impact on human trafficking in Kandiyohi County.
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